Where is the complete HPG program schedule posted?
You can find a complete conference schedule here:
How do I watch HPG 2020 content online?
All HPG talks will be streamed live to the public on the HPG Twitch stream. Recorded versions of these talks will also be available on Youtube within 24 hours of the initial broadcast. No registration is needed to watch these videos.
The HPG 2020 Twitch Stream is available at:
Given that all talks are available to the public for free, why should I register for the conference?
Free-tier registrants get access to PDFs of all technical papers and posters. Registering for the free-tier also helps the conference organizers understand who is attending HPG 2020.
Individuals that wish to interact with speakers on Slack or Zoom or to participate in the HPG town hall should sign up for a “premium registration” for $15. The first 100 premium registrants will also receive a HPG 2020 neck gaiter to commemorate this year’s online conference.
The HPG registration page is here:
How do I ask HPG speakers questions or participate in conference discussions?
You should sign up for a “premium registration”, which costs $15. The premium registration will provide you access to:
The HPG 2020 Slack workspace, which allows you to post questions to authors in per-talk and per-paper Slack channels. Session moderators will be monitoring these Slack channels as they facilitate post-talk Q&A.
The ability to join the HPG 2020 Zoom call. Participants in the HPG 2020 zoom call will be able to directly ask questions to speakers during Q&A sessions. The town hall will not be available to the public, and will only be held on Zoom.
Your registration confirmation email will provide login information for these platforms.