HPG 2024 Student Real-Time Competition

HPG 2024 invites you to show us your artistic side by entering our 2024 Student Competition. The theme of our contest this year is “classic computer graphics images and models”, and this year we are asking you to send us your best interpretation or re-interpretation of classic images or models from the history of computer graphics rendering in real-time This is your opportunity to let your creative side shine!


  1. Competitors must write a shader whose output is an interpretation or re-interpretation of a classical computer graphics image, or scene, from previous literature. How you choose to interpret your chosen image as a shader is up to you. Some ideas might include: Here are some existing Shadertoys in the theme of this competition: Submissions should run with “high performance” in the spirit of the conference. In the spirit of being hardware-agnostic, we require that your shader should run faster than the HPG Cornell Box (above) with the following configuration:
    	  #define FULL_SCENE
    	  #define NUM_SAMPLES 128
    	  #define VERSION 2
    For reference, on a 3090 GPU this configuration runs at approximately 25 frames per second.
  2. Please submit your entry on ShaderToy, and include “HPG 2024 student competition” in the title. Send a link to the ShaderToy to studentcompetition@highperformancegraphics.org with a copy of the original image or scene you are interpreting, and a description of your re-interpretation. Please set the visibility to unlisted before the competition; we encourage you to set it to “public” afterwards.
    Please note that upon submission you authorize HPG to display your shader during the conference as well as to host it on the HPG 2024 website and Youtube channel. Please make sure you attribute any shaders you may have used to build your submission. We will give proper attribution to the authors.
  3. HPG will award one grand prize entry, plus other prizes based on merit as identified by the judging panel. We will announce the composition of the judging panel soon.
  4. Eligibility: Anyone who is a student at the time the work is completed is welcome to participate. We encourage submissions from underrepresented groups in our community — please also see the HPG 2024 Diversity and Inclusion Program.
  5. Prizes: We are pleased to announce that there are two prizes for winners of the student competition: a Meta Quest 3 and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 series GPU. The first-place winner will get to choose between the two, and the runners-up will receive the remaining prize.
  6. Timeline: Submission Deadline: Friday, July 19, 2024.

Winners will be announced during the HPG conference.