Call for participation

At a Glance

All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12:00 (Anywhere on Earth).


We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2025! High-Performance Graphics is where industry and academia meet to share and discuss innovations in performance-oriented graphics systems research. We are excited about innovative algorithms as well as efficient, real-world implementations, and the underlying computing technology: hardware, languages, compilers, and software systems.

Join us whether you are a researcher, an engineer, or an architect to discuss the complex interaction of parallel programming, novel programming models, and efficient algorithms. Come, be inspired, and inspire others to produce the next generation of graphics and visual computing applications: This is HPG!

Conference Info

High-Performance Graphics is co-sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics. The program features three days of paper and industry presentations.

The conference will be in-person this year (with an online component) and will take place from June 23-25, 2025 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference will be co-located with the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR), held immediately before that conference.

Papers Track

In general, we welcome any paper that resonates with the “High Performance Graphics” theme. We invite original and innovative performance-oriented contributions to the design of algorithms and hardware architectures, for all areas of graphics in the broadest sense, including rasterization, ray tracing, diffusion graphics, virtual and augmented reality, physics, and animation.

More specifically, topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

It is sometimes difficult to describe exactly which papers are ideal for a specific conference. When in doubt, please contact this year’s paper chairs, Aaron Knoll and Christoph Peters. You can reach us at

Paper Length and Format

Published proceedings will be archived in the Eurographics Digital Library. Furthermore, a curated selection of accepted papers will be featured in a special issue of the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) journal. CGF papers will be selected based on reviewer recommendations, the outcome of a second review cycle, and HPG committee deliberation.

There is no fixed maximum length for a paper. However, the magnitude of the contribution must be proportional to the length of the paper. Papers longer than 10 typeset pages in the final format must make a very significant contribution to be accepted. Writing plays an important role in the assessment. Omitting important details or tampering with formatting rules may cause a paper to be graded lower than a longer paper that is clearly written, without being repetitive or verbose.

We encourage the use of supplemental material for ancillary content such as videos, image comparisons, or source code.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should use SRM, which includes format information for Eurographics. These format requirements match that of Computer Graphics Forum, so curated papers should not need modification before publication.

Reviews will be double-blind. We request that authors do not include their names, affiliations, or other identifying information in manuscripts under consideration. We try to be as permissive as possible while still taking all reasonable steps to preserve anonymity during the review process. Please do not make public statements on the submission status of your paper until acceptance has been confirmed. Before your paper is accepted:

One author of each accepted paper is expected to register for the conference and to present the work in person.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via


This year we want to widen the scope of the posters program to give more people a way to participate and connect with the community.

This year’s poster topics are:

Please submit your poster to Posters are not considered archival publications and thus should not prevent submitting the work therein to other publication venues.

Participants should produce a portrait poster of A0 size, and are responsible for their own printing; HPG will provide boards for attachment. If you wish your poster to be made available (and archived) on the HPG website, please provide us with a final PDF before the conference.


We invite vendors in the graphics industry to submit presentations of their latest and greatest graphics hardware products, high-performance software systems, and graphics software applications. We welcome all topics relating to the HPG general call for participation. This year we particularly encourage talks related to shading languages and shading systems in production-level environments. Presentations should be 20 minutes long, with a focus on technical aspects of real products (marketing-oriented talks will not be accepted). Hot3D presentations are not considered archival publications for the purposes of future submission to peer-reviewed venues.

For further information please contact:


General Chairs

  • Michael Doggett, Lund University
  • Christiaan Gribble, AMD

Papers Chairs

  • Aaron Knoll, AMD
  • Christoph Peters, TU Delft

Program Chairs

  • Johannes Meng, AMD
  • Marc Stamminger, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Posters Chairs

  • Sebastian Herholz, Intel
  • Markus Kettunen, NVIDIA

Student Competition Chairs

  • Jacco Bikker, BUas
  • Ricardo Marroquim, TU Delft

Hot3D Chair

  • Jeff Amstutz, NVIDIA

Publicity Chair

  • Krishnan Ramachandran, Intel

Online Chair

  • Francois Demoullin, AMD

Sponsorship Chair

  • Josef Spjut, NVIDIA


  • Gaurav Bhokare, University of Utah
  • Rikard Olajos, Lund University


  • Richard Membarth, THI and DFKI

Local Chair

  • Jeppe Revall Frisvad, DTU

Web Site Maintainers

  • Matthäus Chajdas, Intel
  • Andrew Garrard, Imagination Technologies