
The ACM Digital Library hosts the full High-Performance Graphics 2009 proceedings.

Day 1--Saturday August 1, 2009

10:15-10:45: Opening

10:45-12:00: Acceleration Data Structures (Session Chair, Alex Reshetov)

  • Spatial Splits in Bounding Volume Hierarchies (paper) (slides)
    Martin Stich, Heiko Friedrich, and Andreas Dietrich
  • Object Partitioning Considered Harmful: Space Subdivision for BVHs (paper) (slides)
    Stefan Popov, Rossen Dimov, Iliyan Georgiev, and Philipp Slusallek
  • A Parallel Algorithm for Construction of Uniform Grids (paper) (slides)
    Javor Kalojanov and Philipp Slusallek

12:00-2:00: Lunch

2:00-3:15: Graphics Hardware (Michael Doggett)

  • PFU: Programmable Filtering Unit for Mobile Multimedia Applications on Graphics Hardware (paper) (slides)
    Chih-Hao Sun, You-Ming Tsao, Ka-Hang Lok, Chia-Ming Chang, and Shao-Yi Chien
  • Scaling of 3D Game Engine Workloads on Modern Multi-GPU Systems (paper) (slides)
    Jordi Roca Monfort and Mark Grossman
  • Embedded Function Composition (paper) (slides)
    Turner Whitted, Jim Kajiya, Erik Ruf, and Ray Bittner

3:15-3:45: Break

3:45-5:00: Visibility (Eric Enderton)

  • Efficient Depth Peeling via Bucket Sort (paper) (slides)
    Fang Liu, Meng-Cheng Huang, Xue-Hui Liu, and En-Hua Wu
  • Data-Parallel Rasterization of Micropolygons With Defocus and Motion Blur (paper) (slides)
    Kayvon Fatahalian, Edward Luong, Solomon Boulos, Kurt Akeley, William R. Mark, and Pat Hanrahan
  • Accelerating Shadow Rays Using Volumetric Occluders and Modified kd-Tree Traversal (paper) (slides)
    Peter Djeu, Sean Keely, and Warren Hunt

Day 2--Sunday August 2, 2009

8:30-10:00: Keynote by Larry Gritz: Production Perspectives on High-Performance Graphics (Matt Pharr)

  • Abstract
    I will present highlights and lowlights of current and previous projects I've worked on that apply ray tracing and graphics hardware to film rendering and lighting. I'll try to bring some perspective to why some have been successful and others not, what the challenges are of using HPG-like research for production (especially in film), where it succeeds or fails, and advice on future directions for the HPG research community and industry that would help address production problems.
  • Speaker Bio
    Larry Gritz is a principal engineer at Sony Pictures Imageworks where he is the chief architect of their in-house renderer. Prior to that he was at NVIDIA, as director of development and chief architect of the Gelato GPU-accelerated film-quality renderer. Other previous graphics credentials include being a lead architect of BMRT, Exluna's Entropy renderer, Pixar's PhotoRealistic RenderMan, co-author of the book "Advanced RenderMan: Creating CGI for Motion Pictures," and occasional technical director on several films and commercials. Larry has a BS from Cornell University and MS and DSc from The George Washington University.

10:00-10:30: Break

10:30-11:45: Shading and Geometry (Josh Steinhurst)

  • Hardware-Accelerated Global Illumination by Image Space Photon Mapping (paper) (slides)
    Morgan McGuire and David Luebke
  • Image Space Gathering (paper) (slides)
    Austin Robison and Peter Shirley
  • Parallel View-Dependent Tessellation of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces (paper) (slides)
    Anjul Patney, Mohamed Ebeida, and John Owens

11:45-1:45: Lunch

1:45-3:00: Anti-aliasing (Tomas Akenine-Möller)

  • Morphological Antialiasing (paper) (slides)
    Alexander Reshetov
  • Selective and Adaptive Supersampling for Real-Time Ray Tracing (paper) (slides)
    Bongjun Jin, Insung Ihm, Byungjoon Chang, Chanmin Park, Wonjong Lee, and Seokyoon Jung
  • A Directionally Adaptive Edge Anti-Aliasing Filter (paper) (slides)
    Konstantine Iourcha, Jason Yang, and Andrew Pomianowski

3:00-3:30: Break and Poster Session

3:30-5:10: Hot3D (Peter Glaskowsky)

  • Caustic Graphics, James McCombe: Introduction to CausticGL
  • Intel, Larry Seiler: Extended Rendering with Larrabee
  • NVIDIA, Austin Robison: Scheduling in NVIRT (slides)

6:30-9:00: Social Event aboard the Steamboat Natchez (attendees must be aboard before 7:00 departure)

Day 3--Monday August 3, 2009

8:30-10:00: Keynote by Tim Sweeney: The End of the GPU Roadmap (slides) (Morgan McGuire)

  • Abstract
    Mainstream GPUs emerged 12 years ago and rapidly evolved from fixed-function graphics accelerators to semi-programmable computing devices. The speaker will argue that the GPU roadmap is now coming to an end, and that future PCs and game consoles will be powered by general computing devices, utilizing multi-core vector-processing units to run all code, graphics and non-graphics, uniformly, at Teraflop performance levels. He'll then give an overview of the design dimensions impacting such an architectures, such as caches, threads, vector sizes, and programming models.
  • Speaker Bio
    Tim Sweeney founded Epic Games in 1991. From 1995 to 1998, he wrote the first Unreal Engine, featuring the last leading-edge software renderer before the GPU revolution began. Today, Sweeney oversees the development of Epic's latest Unreal Engine 3 technology--used by hundreds of games for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3--while working on early R&D efforts for the next generation, aimed at large-scale multi-core processors.

10:00-10:30: Break

10:30-11:45: Efficient Ray Tracing (Pete Shirley)

  • Efficient Ray Traced Soft Shadows using Multi-Frusta Traversal (paper) (slides)
    Carsten Benthin and Ingo Wald
  • Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs (paper) (slides)
    Timo Aila and Samuli Laine
  • Faster Incoherent Rays: Multi-BVH Ray Stream Tracing (paper) (slides)
    John Tsakok

11:45-1:45: Lunch

1:45-3:00: GPU Computing (David McAllister)

  • Efficient Stream Compaction on Wide SIMD Many-Core Architectures (paper) (slides)
    Markus Billeter, Ola Olsson, and Ulf Assarsson
  • Fast Minimum Spanning Tree for Large Graphs on the GPU (paper) (slides)
    Vibhav Vineet, Pawan Harish, and P. J. Narayanan
  • Stream Compaction for Deferred Shading (paper) (slides)
    Jared Hoberock, Victor Lu, Yuntao Jia, and John C. Hart

3:00-3:30: Break and Poster Session

3:30-4:45: Panel: High-performance graphics in 7 years will be ... (Peter Glaskowsky)

Panel members:

  • Tim Sweeney (Epic Games)
  • Larry Gritz (Sony Pictures Imageworks)
  • Steve Parker (NVIDIA) (slides)
  • Aaron Lefohn (Intel) (slides)
  • Vineet Goel (AMD) (slides)

4:45-5:00: Wrapup and Best Paper Award

6:00-8:00: SIGGRAPH Fast Forward (not an HPG event)

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