09:30: Onsite Registration and Coffee
10:30-10:45: Opening Remarks
10:45-12:00: Paper Session 1: Higher-Order Rasterization
Session Chair: Elmar Eisemann (Telecom Paris Tech)- Design and Novel Uses of Higher-Dimensional Rasterization
Jim Nilsson, Petrik Clarberg, Björn Johnsson, Jacob Munkberg, Jon Hasselgren, Robert Toth, Marco Salvi (Intel Corporation), Tomas Akenine-Möller (Lund University, Intel Corporation)
(Slides) - Adaptive Image Space Shading for Motion and Defocus Blur
Karthik Vaidyanathan (Intel Corporation), Robert Toth (Intel Corporation), Marco Salvi (Intel Corporation), Solomon Boulos (Stanford University), Aaron Lefohn (Intel Corporation)
(Slides) - High-Quality Parallel Depth-of-Field Using Line Samples
Stanley Tzeng (University of California, Davis), Anjul Patney (University of California, Davis), Andrew Davidson (University of California, Davis), Mohamed S. Ebeida (Sandia National Laboratories), Scott A. Mitchell (Sandia National Laboratories), John Owens (University of California, Davis)
12:00-13:30: Lunch, provided with registration on site
13:30-14:45: Paper Session 2: Spatial Indexing
Session Chair: Charles Loop (Microsoft Research)- Maximizing Parallelism in the Construction of BVHs, Octrees and k-d Trees
Tero Karras (NVIDIA Research)
(Slides) - kANN on the GPU with Shifted Sorting
Shengren Li, Lance Simons, Jagadeesh Bhaskar Pakaravoor, Fatemeh Abbasinejad, John D. Owens and Nina Amenta (University of California, Davis)
(Slides) - SRDH: Specializing BVH Construction and Traversal Order Using Representative Shadow Ray Sets
Nicolas Feltman, MinJae Lee, Kayvon Fatahalian (Carnegie Mellon University)
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:00 Poster & Live Demo Session
Poster Chairs: Manfred Ernst (Intel) and Justin Hensley (Apple)- A Novel Texture Cache Architecture for Fully Pipeline Graphics Engine
Seokyoon Jung, Kwon-taek Kwon, Sang-oak Woo, Sungjin Son
System Architecture Lab, Samsung AIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Software Pipelining Shader Core with Streaming Interface
Kwontaek Kwon, Kyoung June Min, Sang Oak Woo, Seok Yoon Jung, Shi Hwa Lee (Samsung AIT), Derek Lentz (Samsung Information Systems America)
- Compact Alpha-texture Compression Unit for Mobile GPU
Jeongae Park, Won-Jong Lee, Sang Oak Woo, Seok-Yoon Jung, Shi-Hwa Lee
Samsung AIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Fast Tile-Binning Algorithm in Tile-Based Rendering
Sang Oak Woo, Jeong-Soo Park, Kwon-Taek Kwon, Sung-Jin Son, Jeongae Park, Seok-Yoon Jungm, Shi-Hwa Lee
Samsung AIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- An Effective Task Scheduling Scheme for Multi-core Tile based Rendering GPU
Won-Jong Lee, Seok-Yoon Jung, Shi-Hwa Lee
Embedded Multimedia Group, System Architecture Lab, Samsung AIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Understanding the Efficiency of Ray Traversal on GPUs - Kepler and Fermi Addendum
Timo Aila, Samuli Laine, Tero Karras
NVIDIA Research
- On-Demand Texture Rendering in Multi-Pass Rendering
Minkyu Jeong, Jaedon Lee, Kwontaek kwon, Seungwon Lee, Shihwa Lee
Samsung AIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Adaptive Restart for Stackless BVH Traversal
Jaedon Lee, Won-Jong Lee, Youngsam Shin, Seungwon Lee, Shihwa Lee
Samsung AIT, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Imperfect Ray-Bundle Tracing for Interactive Multi-Bounce Global Illumination
Yusuke Tokuyoshi, Shinji Ogaki
Square Enix Co., Ltd.
- A Hybrid 2-D Delaunay Triangulation Algorithm Exploiting the GPU Parallelism
Petros Vasileiou, Emmanouil Z. Psarakis
University of Patras
16:00-17:15 Panel Discussion: The Trajectory of Mobile Platforms
Session Chair: Jens Krüger (MMCI)- Kayvon Fatahalian (CMU)
(Slides) - Simon Fenney (Imagination)
(Slides) - Mark Fowler (AMD)
- Andrew Gruber (Qualcomm)
(Slides) - WonJong Lee (Samsung)
(Slides) - Steve Molnar (Nvidia)
(Slides) - Tom Olson (ARM)
17:30: Optional HPG Social Event
Header image derived from: Alan Eisen
Background image: Guillaume Cattiaux
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