Papers should be submitted through the Eurographics submission system (SRM): Do not forget to follow the length and formatting regulations. It is recommended that you use the provided Latex template. For all other submissions tracks, posters, Hot3D and demos, please see the CFP.
Important Dates
All deadlines are at 11:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7).
Tuesday, April 3 | Deadline for OPTIONAL paper abstract submissions | |
Friday, April 6 | Deadline for paper submissions | |
Monday, May 14 | Notification of paper acceptance | |
Tuesday, May 22 | Revised papers due | |
Monday, May 7 | Deadline for poster and Hot3D submissions | |
Monday, May 14 | Notification of poster and Hot3D acceptance | |
Monday-Wednesday, June 25-27 | Conference |
For further questions please contact .
Header image: Billeter, Sintorn, and Assarsson. Real Time Volumetric
Shadows using Polygonal Light Volumes, HPG 2010.
Background image: Guillaume Cattiaux
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