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ACM Siggraph


We invite original and innovative performance-oriented contributions from all areas of graphics, including hardware architectures, rendering, physics, animation, AI, simulation, and data structures, with topics including (but not limited to):

  • Interactive rendering pipelines (hardware or software)
    • Shading architectures
    • Spatial acceleration data structures
    • Surface representation and tessellation algorithms
    • Reconfigurable rendering pipelines
    • Texturing and compression/decompression algorithms
  • Interactive rendering algorithms (hardware or software)
    • Visibility algorithms (ray tracing, rasterization, transparency, anti-aliasing, ...)
    • Illumination algorithms (shadows, global illumination, ...)
    • Image sampling strategies and filtering techniques
  • Graphics hardware and systems
    • Novel fixed-function hardware design
    • Graphics hardware simulation, optimization, and performance measurement
    • Novel display technologies
  • Languages and compilation
    • Programming models and APIs for graphics
    • Shading language design and implementation
    • Compiling for massively parallel graphics architectures
  • Parallel computing for graphics
    • Scalable algorithms for parallel rendering and large data visualization
    • Physics and animation
    • Computer vision
    • GPU computing
  • Mobile graphics
    • Hardware design for mobile, embedded, integrated, and low-power devices
    • Algorithms, rendering engines, and applications for mobile graphics
    • Innovative visual computing applications for mobile devices

Paper Length and Format

There is no fixed maximum length for a paper. However, the magnitude of the contribution must be proportional to the length of the paper. Papers longer than ten typeset pages in the final format must make a very significant contribution to be accepted. Papers of four or fewer pages will be held to a less strict standard of citation and description of related work (comparison to the strongest alternative techniques is still important, but an exhaustive review is not necessary). All accepted papers are treated equally, i.e., included in the electronic proceedings and presented at the conference.

Papers and short papers should be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines: It is recommended that you use the HPG 2012 specific Latex template when preparing a submission.

At least one paper author must attend the conference to present an accepted paper. The papers will be archived in the ACM and Eurographics Digital Libraries.

Paper Submission Information

Authors are invited to upload papers electronically in Adobe PDF format by visiting the HPG 2012 submissions area. We encourage anonymous submissions in which the paper contains no identifying information, if possible.

Video sequences in QuickTime, MPEG, or AVI format may be submitted using the electronic submission system. Dual submission is not allowed; any paper submitted to another venue and under consideration during the HPG review cycle will be rejected.

Best Paper Award

An award of $500 will be given to the authors of the most outstanding paper presented at the event. The award is based on the accuracy, originality, and importance of the technical concept, the quality and readability of the manuscript, as well as the content and delivery of the verbal presentation.

To qualify for this award, one or more of the authors must attend the conference and present the paper. The winner will be chosen by the organizing committee based on audience feedback and will be announced at the end of the conference.

Please visit the best papers archive for information regarding the best papers from previous High-Performance Graphics conferences, as well as those from our predecessor conferences: Graphics Hardware and Interactive Ray Tracing.

Contact Information

For further information regarding the HPG 2012 Papers Track please contact:

Header image: McGuire, Osman, Bukowski, and Hennessy. The Alchemy Screen-Space Ambient Obscurance Algorithm, HPG 2011. Model by Vicarious Visions.
Background image: Guillaume Cattiaux
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