09:00: Onsite Registration
09:30-10:30: Keynote I, Kelly Gaither (TACC)
Title: Picture This: Visualizing Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow(Slides)
10:30-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-12:00: Paper Session 3: Hardware
Session Chair: Andrew Gruber (Qualcomm)- Algorithm and VLSI Architecture for Real-Time 1080p60 Video Retargeting
Pierre Greisen (ETH Zurich & Disney Research Zurich), Manuel Lang (ETH Zurich & Disney Research Zurich), Simon Heinzle (Disney Research Zurich), Aljoscha Smolic (Disney Research Zurich)
(Slides) - Power Efficiency for Software Algorithms running on Graphics Processors
Björn Johnsson, Per Ganestam, Michael Doggett, Tomas Akenine-Möller, (Lund University)
12:00-14:00: Lunch, provided with registration on site
14:00-15:30: Hot3D Talks and Panel
Session Chair: Michael Doggett (Lund University)- Intel: Processor Graphics
Tom Piazza (Intel)
(Slides) - Autodesk: Scalable and Robust Rendering in the Cloud
Brian Budge (Autodesk)
(Slides) - NVIDIA: Design Tradeoffs in the Kepler Architecture
Steve Molnar (NVIDIA)
15:30-16:30: Coffee Break
16:30-17:45: Paper Session 4: Real-Time Rendering
Session Chair: Kayvon Fatahalian (CMU)- Reducing Aliasing Artifacts through Resampling
Alexander Reshetov (Intel)
(Slides) - Clustered Deferred and Forward Shading
Ola Olsson, Markus Billeter, Ulf Assarsson (Chalmers University of Technology)
(Slides) - Scalable Ambient Obscurance
Morgan McGuire (Williams College and NVIDIA), Michael Mara (Williams College), David Luebke (NVIDIA)
21:00: HPG Dinner and Social Event
Dinner and music at La Bonne Franquette. The restaurant is located at Angle 2 rue des Saules and 18 rue Saint Rustique - 75018 Paris - France, is not far from the conference site and convenient to several metro stops.
Header image derived from: Alan Eisen
Background image: Guillaume Cattiaux
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