09:00-10:15: Paper Session 5: Texture and Appearance
Session Chair: Simon Fenney (Imagination Technologies)
- Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression
Jörn Nystad (ARM), Anders Lassen (ARM), Andy
Pomianowski (AMD), Sean Ellis (ARM), Tom Olson (ARM)
- Parallel Patch-based Texture Synthesis
Anass Lasram, Sylvain Lefebvre (ALICE / INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
- Representing Appearance and Pre-filtering Subpixel Data in Sparse Voxel Octrees
Eric Heitz, Fabrice Neyret, (Université de Grenoble - INRIA)
(Slides|Movie 1|Movie 2|Movie 3|Movie 4)
10:15-10:45: Coffee Break
10:45-11:45: Keynote II, Jon Olick (Red 5 Studios)
Title: Computer Graphics meets Computer Vision
(Slides in Quicktime MOV format, Warning: 1.5GB File)
11:45-13:00: Lunch, provided with registration on site
13:15-13:45: Town Hall
13:45-14:25: Best paper presentation and Closing Remarks
Jörn Nystad (ARM), Anders Lassen (ARM), Andy Pomianowski (AMD), Sean Ellis (ARM), Tom Olson (ARM)
Anass Lasram, Sylvain Lefebvre (ALICE / INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Eric Heitz, Fabrice Neyret, (Université de Grenoble - INRIA)
(Slides|Movie 1|Movie 2|Movie 3|Movie 4)
Header image derived from: Alan Eisen
Background image: Guillaume Cattiaux
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