
High-Performance Graphics 2021

July 6-9, hosted online

Experimental Virtual Sessions

HPG this year will take place in an online space that has room for various presentation and meeting rooms. We’re introducing this experimental program as a way to highlight various creations from members of the community, and provide additional content that would not normally fit into the conference program. The content can include focused sessions, such as tutorials or courses, as well as “background” art (short movies, musical compositions, computational art, 3D scenes) for social gathering.

The submission does not have to be complete but should include an outline and description of the content. When appropriate, the content may be submitted in full. Submissions are accepted through the 11th of June 2021. Preliminary acceptance will be communicated by the 18th of June. For more complex submissions, such as complete courses or longer tutorials, we suggest an earlier submission to also receive earlier feedback. The final submissions are expected for the 25th of June. We reserve the right to reject the final version if it deviates strongly from the expectations raised by the submission.

We look forward to seeing what level of interest there is in this new experimental program! If you have something you think might fit into this program, but is not mentioned above, feel free to suggest it.

Submissions and questions should be sent to program@highperformancegraphics.org.